Oct 09, 2024
By Undergraduate Research and Fellowships
Forty Husker undergraduates — including two School of Computing students — have been selected for the First Year Research Experience Program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Each fall, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships — in collaboration with TRIO Student Support Services and STEM-POWER — matches eligible first-year students with faculty mentors to engage in manageable research or creative projects during the academic year. With support from federal work-study awards, participants connect with faculty to learn how the university’s research innovations help solve global challenges.
FYRE students also participate in monthly skill-building workshops, complete a professional development course and present their research at the FYRE Mini-Symposium in late spring. Many students continue their research through programs such as the Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences Program, STEM-POWER and the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program.
The two School of Computing students who received research placements as part of the 2024-25 FYRE cohort are:
• Henry Le, computer science, “Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Research of Genomic Sequences.”
• Kaden Wangen, computer science, “Smart Lock for e-Bikes.”
Learn more about undergraduate research at Nebraska.
More details at: https://news.unl.edu/article/40-huskers-chosen-for-first-year-research-experience-program