How do I get access to Microsoft software available to students.

Azure Dev Tools for Teaching provides higher-education STEM departments with additional Microsoft software and services. To access the Education Hub Store visit and log in with your My.UNL credentials. 

The Azure Dev Tools for Teaching replaces the Microsoft Imagine web portal that was hosted on OnTheHub.

Please Note: With this change, do not log in with your credentials. Do not login with your personal Microsoft account you might have established. You must log in with your My.UNL credentials instead, which generally looks like When you provide your My.UNL login, you will be redirected to the UNL's single sign-on portal to authenticate with your My.UNL password.


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Connecting to the Windows Terminal Server from Mac OS

  1. On your Mac, open the "App Store" application and install the "Microsoft Remote Desktop" application.
  2. Launch Microsoft Remote Desktop.
  3. From the main menu bar, select File -> New
  4. Complete the pop-up connection dialog as described below:
    1. Name the connection with a descriptor of your choice.
    2. The "PC name" will be:
    3. A gateway is not required.
    4. Use your School of Computing (SoC) credentials. Please Note how the login is prefixed with "CS.UNL.EDU\".
    5. If "Native" Resolution does not work, select one that is suitable to your device.
    6. Uncheck "Start session in full screen" if you would rather have the windows desktop appear in a window.
    7. Uncheck "Use all monitors" if you have a multi-monitor Mac and would like the windows desktop to be on one screen.
  5. Close the dialog by clicking on the "x" on the upper left on the dialog.
  6. The new connection will now appear on the main "Microsoft Remote Desktop" pane.
  7. Double click on the created connection to establish a remote connection to the terminal server.

A sample new connection dialog is shown below.
screenshot of instructions above

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How to setup your first PHP page on

  1. Make sure you have read and setup the required directories and permission as described in FAQ section on Prerequisites for hosting a web page on
  2. Change your working directory to the public_html directory.
     > cd ~/public_html
  3. Open a command line session to
  4. Use an editor like vi or pico to create the index.php file. Refer to the FAQ pages on editors on Pico being the simple Unix editor to use.
     > pico index.php 
  5. Use the editor to insert some HTML into the file, a simple HTML content is shown below.
               <title> This is my first page </title>
              <h1> My first page</h1>
              <?php  echo "<p>Hello World </p>" ?>
  6. Save the file and return to the command line.
  7. Grant everyone (others) read access to the file you just created.
     > chmod o+r index.html
  8. Open a browser and point it to: and you should see the file you just created.
  9. If you get an error, tail the /var/log/apache2/error_log (the tail command shows any new lines added to a file) while you try to access your page to see if there are any errors. If you don't see errors in error_log, you should tail /var/log/apache2/suphp.log as well and then try to access your page again to see if any errors are reported.
     > tail -f /var/log/apache2/error_log 
  10. If you still can't get your PHP program working, see if the student resource center can be of any assistance or send an email to and someone will help you identify the problem.

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Common problem with setting up home pages

  • Your home directory and public_html directory must have world execute permissions.
  • Your html documents must be given world read access
  • Any images enclosed should have a path relative to your public_html directory. The image load will fail if you specify a full path to the image
  • To point to another file in your public_html directory, use a hypertext link of the following form
  • Tail the /var/log/apache2/error_log (The tail command shows any new lines added to a file) while you try to access your page to see if there are any errors.
     > tail -f /var/log/apache2/error_log 

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Setting up a basic web page on

  1. Make sure you have read and setup the required directories and permission as described in FAQ section on Prerequisites for hosting a web page on
  2. Change your working directory to the public_html directory
     > cd ~/public_html
  3. Open a command line session to
  4. Use an editor like vi or pico to create the index.html file - refer to the FAQ pages on editors on Pico being the simple unix editor to use.
     > pico index.html 
  5. Use the editor to insert some HTML into the file, a simple html content is shown below.
               <title> This is my first page </title>
              <h1> My first page</h1>
              <p> Hello World </p>
  6. Save the file and return to the command line
  7. Grant everyone(others) read access to the file you just created
     > chmod o+r index.html
  8. Open a browser and point it to: and you should see the file you just created.

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Printing from Mac via SMB

Please note:  Printing generally only works from on campus or when connected to the campus network via a VPN.

Printing from University-Owned (faculty/staff) Macs
For Student or BYOD Instructions, click here.
  1. Install the print driver package using Launchpad to select the Self Service application: self service icon

    screenshot of print driver Packages

    From within Self Service use the left-side menu to select Printer Drivers. Then select Install of the Canon UFR II Printer Driver package: or the HP Legacy Print Drivers depending upon the printer you are connecting to.

  2. Use the instructions below to add the printer using System Settings -> Printers & Scanners.
  3. The added printer should now be shown in the System Settings -> Printers and Scanners configuration page. You may be prompted for your MyUNL credentials the first time you print to the printer.

List of Printers

SoC_Avery12 * SoC_Avery12color * SoC_Avery15 *
SoC_Avery104 SoC_Avery122
SoC_Avery250 SoC_Avery256 SoC_Avery258
SoC_Avery258color SoC_Avery354 SoC_Avery354color
SoC_Schorr101 SoC_Schorr209 SoC_Schorr209color
(The printers marked with an asterisk (*) are the only printers that students have access to. All other printers, without the asterisk, are assigned to faculty members or graduate research/teaching assistants in specific confined spaces.)

Printing from a BYOD (personal) Macs using Apple Menus
Students wishing to print may not have access to Self Service, so the instructions and command-line printer administration instructions provided above may not work due to the lack of print drivers. Students can still add printers using the Apple menus, but they may need to choose the generic postscript printer driver unless they manually install the print drivers from the manufacturer. With the drivers installed, you can select the driver specific to the printer model.

Adding a printer using Apple menus:
Open System Preferences. Either click on the Apple Menu on the main menu bar at the top of the screen and then select System Preferences, or bring up spotlight by holding down ⌘-space and then typing System Preferences
  1. Then click Printers & Scanners (or Printers & Fax). Note: Your System Preferences may look different.
  2. step 3
    Click on the "+" button on the lower left to start the process of adding a new printer
  3. step 4
    In the "Add" dialog, right click the bar at the top, and select the Customize Toolbar option. This opens a toolbar customization menu. Use the toolbar customizing menu to drag the Advanced option onto the menu bar. You may skip this step if you already have the Advanced options symbol on the Add dialog toolbar.
  4. step 5
     The printer Type is "Windows printer via spoolss". In the URL, type in smb:// Replace PRINTER with one of the printer names shown above. For example, if you wanted to print to the printer in Avery 12, you'd use SoC_Avery12. See all the printers in the list above. In the dialog box, for Printer Name, replace its-acadprt-unl with something that better identifies the printer. Finally for the Print Using option, select either generic postscript or the appropriate driver from the list if you have installed drivers from Self Service or the manufacturers support website.
  5. Click add. Your printer should now be added. Print a test page to make sure everything works.
  6. When you print to this printer for the first time, you will be prompted for your login and password. Use your UNL MyRed login. Check the "Remember this password in my keychain" checkbox as shown.

If you change your UNL MyRed password, you will need to launch the keychain utility and delete the stored old password for this printer. The keychain record, will be found in the "Login" keychain, in the "Passwords" category and will be named the same as the printer name, simply select this record and delete this entry. The next time you print you will be prompted for the new password which must be entered as described above.

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How many pages am I allowed to print each semester?

Printer quotas are assigned by the number of School of Computing classes (CSCE/SOFT/RAIK) you are enrolled for each semester. For each class you enroll in, you get $12.00 worth of printing or 200 pages of B&W printing at $0.06 per page.

In addition, if you are enrolled for thesis or dissertation hours, you will receive an additional $20.00 added to their printer quota each semester.

Purchasing Additional Print Quota

  • Students can purchase additional pages in 100 page increments for $6.00.
  • Pages can be purchased at Room 27 Avery Hall.
  • Purchased quota does not expire at the end of the semester.

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How to I check my printer quota and balances?

Your remaining printer quota along with the printers you have access to, is displayed on the main page of the School of Computing (SoC) Account Management Utility (AMU) page at

Additional printer quota can be purchased from the system administration offices in Avery 27C. The current cost is $6.00 per 100 pages. The cost is charged to your NCard charge account, so you will need to present your NCard at time of purchase.

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How to Format Your Thesis Using LaTeX

The Office of Graduate Studies dictates the style and format for a thesis at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Information about these standards can be found on their website for current students at, and specifically in a publication titled "Guidebook For Preparation and Submission of a Thesis". 

The Department of Mathematics maintains a LaTex class file that helps format your thesis to Nebraska's guidelines. This template may be helpful to Computer Science and Engineering students as well. Look for the "NU Thesis LaTeX Class File" under the Resources section of this page:

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Compilers and Interpreters available on


gcc GNU CcCompiler
g++ GNU C++ compiler
javac Java compiler
gfortran GNU Fortran compiler
clisp Common Lisp
alisp Allegro Common Lisp


perl Perl command line scripting language
php Command line and web scripting language
ruby Command line and web scripting language
pyton Command line scripting language

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A simple unix text editor - pico

To use pico, type "pico filename" where filename is the file you with to create or edit. Once in pico, you will see a list of pico commands you can use, shown on the bottom of the screen. The '^' symbols means <CTRL>. To view the pico help screen the command shown on the bottom of the screen is "^G" which means <CTRL>-G.

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Basic Unix Commands

Note on systax used in document:
items in [] are optional
items in {} can be repeated 0 or more times.
fn = filename (possible with wildcards)
dir = directory name

File System:

cat fn {fn}
concatenate, can be used to display a file.
more fn {fn}
displays file(s) one screenful, at a time. At MORE prompt enter: space bar - for next screenful <cr> - for next line, q - to quit more command.
cp fn1 fn2
copy file - fn1 to fn2, fn1 remains.
mv fn1 fn2
move (rename) file - fn1 to fn2, fn1 no longer exists.
rm fn
remove (delete) file.
lpr -Pprinter_name fn
print a file, printer_name = ps16 or ps17.
ls [fn]
list files in current directory option filename is usually used to display files matching wildcards. (ie. ls *.s will list all assembly language source files.)
ls -lgRa
Recursive listing of all files within all subdirectories. Longest, most descriptive format.
cd [dir]
change working directory, ``home directory" if not specified. cd .. will backup one level in the directory structure.
print working directory path.
mkdir dir
make a new directory, giving it the name dir (within the current directory)
rmdir dir
remove (delete) the directory named dir (the directory must be empty)
file fn
Tries to determine what kind of information is in a file by consulting the file system index and by reading the file itself.
Prints a summary of total space occupied by all files in a hierarchy.
sort fn
Sorts ASCII files line-by-line.
Change file permissions. See the man pages for a complete description of settings. Use this command to determine whether files can be readable by other people.
find . -name filename
In it's most simple form find will display all files in this and any subdirectories which name matches filename. See the man page for find for a complete description of this command. Find can be use to find files matching name patters, dates, owners, sizes, etc. and to perform action on matched files.
gzip fn
Use this to compress files not needed immediately to conserve disk space. A ``.gz" will be appended to the filename.
gzip -d
Uncompresses files with ``.Z" at end of filename.
head {-n} fn
Prints first n lines of a text file. If no number is specified, the default is 10.
tail {-n} fn
Prints last n lines of a text file. If no number is specified, the default is 10.
tail {-n} fn
Prints last n lines of a text file. If no number is specified, the default is 10.
grep string fn
Print occurrences of string in file

Remote Connection:

ssh remote_host
Launch a secure shell to the remote host specified.


list users currently on the system.
list users currently on the system.
what, similar to who but includes what they are doing.
Email message utility.
pine username
will send Email to username.
talk username
allows two users to have an interactive conversation over the computer.
write username
allows a user to put a message on another users screen.
mesg n
Makes it so other users cannot interrupt you with talk requests, and write messages.


man command
manual, returns the manual for the given command from the UNIX on-line manual. If you cannot find a man page for a command, there may be one in a directory that isn't in your MANPATH. Your MANPATH is setup in the .login file and a command's man page is usually in a man directory off the same parent directory as the command. For example, if the command is located in /usr/local/bin, its man page is probably in /usr/local/man.
man -k keyword
display manual headings containing the word keyword.


alias name def
Assigns ``def'' to the alias ``name''. Usually found in the .cshrc file. For example ``alias dir ls -la''.
Clears screen.
List history of commands used.
re-execute the last command entered.
re-execute the last command that started with the given letter, eg !c will re-execute the last command that began with the letter c.
jobs -l
list all currently stopped or background jobs with job numbers and process ID's.
kill [-signal] %jobnumber
kill the given job number. Use the "jobs" command to show running jobs. You might need to kill a job to logout if you have accidentally put a job into the background or stopped a job. Use -TERM or -KILL singlas to force quite jobs.

kill PID
kill the given Process. refer the "ps" command to find running processes. Use -TERM or -KILL singlas to force quite jobs.
ps -fa
list all your current processes. See the man page for a full description.
kill the current process - the one in the  foreground
suspend foreground process.
put a suspended job in the background.
put a suspended or background job in the foreground.
display time and date.

To find out about more commands, click  here.

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Setting up a VPN connection to campus

Some websites and servers are secured by a firewall that only allows connections from on campus. To access these restricted resources from off campus, you will need a VPN connection. Most students don't require access to systems that aren't available from off campus, so a VPN connection is only needed by students when connecting to their CSE home directory through the SAMBA (smb:) network protocol. A VPN connection is used to make files stored on remote systems appear as local files from the perspective of your local (PC/Mac/Linux) system. This local perspective is necessary for local applications to access the remote files.

Information Technology Services now operates a VPN service for faculty, staff and students. More information about their service is available at

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How do I access a command line session on the SoC Unix server?

For certain classes you will be required to access a command line session on the School of Computing (SoC) Unix server:

Connecting to from a Windows personal laptop

Search for "putty win32" using a search engine (Google/DuckDuckGo/Bing). Download and install the PuTTY application on your computer. Then follow the steps in the next section.

Connecting to from a Lab Windows machine

  1. Launch PuTTY - there should be a desktop icon for PuTTY, or look for it in the start menu.
  2. In the "PuTTY Configuration" dialog that pops up, enter "" in the Host Name field, click on "SSH" as the Connection type, and click the "Open" button.
  3. If this is the first time you're connecting to, there will be a Security Alert popup asking you if you want to accept the server's host key. Click on "Yes."
  4. Login with your SoC login user name and password when prompted. If you do not know your SoC login or password, visit the SoC Account Management Utility page,

If you are prompted for a Verification code: after entering your password, examine the login user name you supplied to the login: prompt. Login user names containing a digit at the end, e.g. fred4, are not valid user names for SoC systems. If you supplied the wrong user name you will need to start a new PuTTY SSH session using the correct login user name.

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How do I access my home directory from off campus from Windows?

For occasional transfer of file between your home directory on the departmental server and your personal computer, we recommend using a SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) client. One such client is FileZilla.

You will need to download the FileZilla client, not the FileZilla server. Install and launch the FileZilla client. In the "Quick Connect" bar in the main FileZilla window, enter s as the Host, along with your School of Computing (SoC) CSE server username and password and click on 'QuickConnect'. The Port field can be left empty if you specified the "sftp://" prefix as part of the host name.

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How do I access my CSE home directory from a Windows PC on campus?

If you are working on campus from a computer lab or on your personal laptop, you might wish to map your home directory from the school server directly onto your laptop, so as to not have to transfer files up and down.

The instructions given are for Windows 10:

  1. Launch File Explorer, there are many way to do this: From the start menu, select the Documents item to open the "File Explorer".
    Start menu view of Windows 10
    Or you can select the "File Explorer" from the Windows System menu.
    Windows System all applications menu select of Windows file explorer
    If you have a "My Computer" or "My PC" icon on the desktop, you can double click on the icon to launch File Explorer.
  2. In the File Explorer window, click on the Computer tab on the top of the window to display a ribbon, then click the Map network drive icon if shown:
    Windows file explorer top ribbon map drive icon
    or right-click on "My PC" to show the 'map network drive' option.  windows explorer map drive menu view

    This will open a "Map Network Drive" dialog.
    Start menu start of Windows file explorer
  3. In the dialog, type in "\\\login_id" without the quotes and where login_id would be your School of Computing CSE login ID. For example if your CSE login was csmith, your folder path would be: \\\csmith
    Start menu start of Windows file explorer
  4. Check on the "Connect using different credentials" checkbox, uncheck "re-connect at sign-in" and click on the "Finish" button.
  5. When you are asked to enter your network credentials, you will need to login with your SoC credentials. Your user name must be provided as "CS.UNL.EDU\username". As in the example above, if your CSE username (login) was csmith, the user name value would be: CS.UNL.EDU\csmith
    expected view of the university credentials login page
  6. Provide your CSE password and Click "OK". You should see your home directory from the departmental server mapped as a drive in the File Explorer window.

If you are not offered the option to enter credentials or Windows returns an error indicating it cannot communicate or find the server, ensure you are connect to the eduroam network, and the eduroam network is private network. You can verify that you have the required Windows client service enabled using these instructions on Windows SAMBA settings.

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How do I register my wireless device? (Students, Faculty, and Staff)

The wireless network on campus is managed by Information Technological Services. Visit their wireless page on claiming your My.UNL identity and authenticating with your My.UNL credentials to the eduroam wireless network on campus.

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Visitor Registration for University Wireless Network

The wireless network on campus is managed by Information Technology Services. Visitors to the Univerisity of Nebraska needing wi-fi access can register for 14-day, limited wi-fi access by visiting the ITS page on NU-Guest setup. Please note that the NU-Guest wi-fi network is restricted in services that can be accessed and services such as SSH will not be accessible when connected to the NU-Guest wi-fi network.

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Setting up Mac Mail on OSX 10.8+ (legacy users)

  1. Launch Apple Mail (which will be known as Mail).
  2. Select "Mail" from the menu bar, then select preferences. Or use the keyboard command. "cmd+,"
  3. step 2
    This brings up the preferences dialog. Select the "Accounts" tab on the top of the window. When presented with the accounts window click the plus button in the lower left corner to add a new account.
  4. step 3
    Select "Add other mail account" and click on "Continue."
  5. step 4
    Fill in the required information. Please use your full name, School of Computing (SoC) email address, SoC password and click on "Create".
  6. step 5
    Make sure "Account Type" of IMAP is selected and the mail server is "". Enter your SoC login for the User Name and click on "Next". Note that the login does not have the "" specified.
  7. step 6
    On the next screen enter "Mail" as the path prefix and make sure "use SSL" is selected then click "Next". Note The "Path Prefix" is a subfolder on your home directory where mail fodlers are kept. If not specified, your mail folders will be kept on your home directory.
  8. step 7
    For the outgoing mail server, again enter and your SoC login and password and click "Create."
  9. A new mail account will be shown on the preferences tab. Close the preferences tab to complete setup on your mail.
  10. If you have issues, contact for further assistance.

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Message Size Limits (Legacy users)

The maximum message size is 10MB for outgoing email messages sent through SMTP on and  This limit applies to the entire size of the message, which includes the message body, headers, and any attachments.

If you absolutely need to send a message that is larger than 10MB, you can send a request via email to to have the message size limit temporarily increased on the server. However, large files should not normally be sent as attachments in email messages. Instead, please consider using OneDrive to share files.

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When does my School of Computing account expire?

For information on when your School of Computing (SoC) account expires, if you passwords are still valid or expired, and other SoC account related settings, visit the School of Computing Account Management Utility (AMU) page at

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I forgot my CSE password or login

If you have forgot your password, visit the School of Computing (SoC) Account Management Utility (AMU) page at Enter your email account, for students this would be your email. An email with a link to reset your password will be sent to your email.

To recover your CSE login id, visit the AMU login recovery page at and enter your email. This will send an email to you containing your CSE systems login id.

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Who should I contact for account related problems?

If you are unable to find a solution to your problem in this FAQ, your next step is to consult the School of Computing (SoC) Student Resource Center in Avery Hall (room 12). The Student Resource Center is generally open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday–Friday. If the Student Resource Center is unable to address your problem, email When you send an email to, please include your SoC login and provided as much detail as possible. When applicable, include the system you are using (a Windows system in the lab, the server, a Linux system in the lab, your personal laptop, etc.), the operating system on your personal device, the task you are trying to accomplish (date and time may help if you were using, the command you are running, any error messages returned, and any other information that would assist in focusing the diagnostics on your problem.

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How do I check my disk quota?

If you are having issues saving file to your home directory (Unix) or your Z: Drive (Windows), you might have exceeded your disk quota.

Quotas are used to limit the amount of disk space used and the total number of files of each user. Disk space used is measured in blocks, where 1 block equals 1024 bytes(1KB).

There are two values (called limits) — a soft limit and a hard limit — for both the disk space used quota and the number of files quota. You can continue to increase your usage over the soft limit until you either reach the hard limit or the established time limit (usually a week). Once the hard limit has been reached, all further attempts at file creation will fail with an error message.

The simplest way to view your disk quota is to visit the School of Computing Account Management Utility (AMU) page at After login, the AMU page shows various details about your account including your disk quota and usage.

To check your disk quota under Unix, use the  command "quota -v" at the Unix command shell prompt.

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Connecting to your home directory from a Mac from off campus

The simpler method to access your home directory (Z: drive) from off-campus is to use an SFTP client like Cyberduck. This will allow you to easily transfer files between your account to your local computer. While a free version of Cyberduck is available online, users are cautioned to be mindful to download Cyberduck from a reputable source, as the source code is readily available online and can thus be easily modified and made vunerable. A version is also available through the Mac App Store as a paid app. We recommend the paid app store version as it ensures the source as reputable.

To actually mount your files from an off-campus account you will need to configure a VPN client and then follow the instructions on mounting your drive from on campus. Both of these topics are discussed in other sections of this FAQ.

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