Undergraduate Programs
If you are a high school senior, transferring from another higher education institution, or have been home-schooled and are ready for college, the Office of Admissions is where you start your application process. If you are applying to multiple schools, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln can also be found on the common application.

International Students
International students seeking to apply as freshmen or transfer from another institution have different requirements.
Please visit the website below for additional information on english proficiency exams, bank statements, and documentation requirements or email Jackson Wu-Pong, Assistant Director for International Admissions jacksonwu-pong@experience.unl.edu.

Graduate Programs
Ready to apply to one of our graduate programs? Learn more about our programs and begin your application.

Contact Us

Olivia Ingle
Undergraduate Recruitment Coordinator
(402) 472-5027

LaRita Lang
Graduate Secretary
(402) 472-3826