- Note on systax used in document:
- items in [] are optional
- items in {} can be repeated 0 or more times.
- fn = filename (possible with wildcards)
- dir = directory name
File System:
- cat fn {fn}
- concatenate, can be used to display a file.
- more fn {fn}
- displays file(s) one screenful, at a time. At MORE prompt enter: space bar - for next screenful <cr> - for next line, q - to quit more command.
- cp fn1 fn2
- copy file - fn1 to fn2, fn1 remains.
- mv fn1 fn2
- move (rename) file - fn1 to fn2, fn1 no longer exists.
- rm fn
- remove (delete) file.
- lpr -Pprinter_name fn
- print a file, printer_name = ps16 or ps17.
- ls [fn]
- list files in current directory option filename is usually used to display files matching wildcards. (ie. ls *.s will list all assembly language source files.)
- ls -lgRa
- Recursive listing of all files within all subdirectories. Longest, most descriptive format.
- cd [dir]
- change working directory, ``home directory" if not specified. cd .. will backup one level in the directory structure.
- pwd
- print working directory path.
- mkdir dir
- make a new directory, giving it the name dir (within the current directory)
- rmdir dir
- remove (delete) the directory named dir (the directory must be empty)
- file fn
- Tries to determine what kind of information is in a file by consulting the file system index and by reading the file itself.
- du
- Prints a summary of total space occupied by all files in a hierarchy.
- sort fn
- Sorts ASCII files line-by-line.
- chmod
- Change file permissions. See the man pages for a complete description of settings. Use this command to determine whether files can be readable by other people.
- find . -name filename
- In it's most simple form find will display all files in this and any subdirectories which name matches filename. See the man page for find for a complete description of this command. Find can be use to find files matching name patters, dates, owners, sizes, etc. and to perform action on matched files.
- gzip fn
- Use this to compress files not needed immediately to conserve disk space. A ``.gz" will be appended to the filename.
- gzip -d
- Uncompresses files with ``.Z" at end of filename.
- head {-n} fn
- Prints first n lines of a text file. If no number is specified, the default is 10.
- tail {-n} fn
- Prints last n lines of a text file. If no number is specified, the default is 10.
- tail {-n} fn
- Prints last n lines of a text file. If no number is specified, the default is 10.
- grep string fn
- Print occurrences of string in file
Remote Connection:
- ssh remote_host
- Launch a secure shell to the remote host specified.
- finger
- list users currently on the system.
- who
- list users currently on the system.
- w
- what, similar to who but includes what they are doing.
- pine
- Email message utility.
- pine username
- will send Email to username.
- talk username
- allows two users to have an interactive conversation over the computer.
- write username
- allows a user to put a message on another users screen.
- mesg n
- Makes it so other users cannot interrupt you with talk requests, and write messages.
- man command
- manual, returns the manual for the given command from the UNIX on-line manual. If you cannot find a man page for a command, there may be one in a directory that isn't in your MANPATH. Your MANPATH is setup in the .login file and a command's man page is usually in a man directory off the same parent directory as the command. For example, if the command is located in /usr/local/bin, its man page is probably in /usr/local/man.
- man -k keyword
- display manual headings containing the word keyword.
- alias name def
- Assigns ``def'' to the alias ``name''. Usually found in the .cshrc file. For example ``alias dir ls -la''.
- clear
- Clears screen.
- history
- List history of commands used.
- !!
- re-execute the last command entered.
- !x
- re-execute the last command that started with the given letter, eg !c will re-execute the last command that began with the letter c.
- jobs -l
- list all currently stopped or background jobs with job numbers and process ID's.
- kill [-signal] %jobnumber
- kill the given job number. Use the "jobs" command to show running jobs. You might need to kill a job to logout if you have accidentally put a job into the background or stopped a job. Use -TERM or -KILL singlas to force quite jobs.
- kill PID
- kill the given Process. refer the "ps" command to find running processes. Use -TERM or -KILL singlas to force quite jobs.
- ps -fa
- list all your current processes. See the man page for a full description.
- <control>C
- kill the current process - the one in the foreground
- <control>Z
- suspend foreground process.
- bg
- put a suspended job in the background.
- fg
- put a suspended or background job in the foreground.
- date
- display time and date.
To find out about more commands, click here.
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