Program Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes

The Computer Science program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET..

The Computer Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Computer Science Programramming Educational Objectives

  1. A graduate must be a proficient computer scientist able to solve a wide range of computing-related problems.
  2. A graduate must be able to work with professionals in fields related to computing and/or having computing applications.
  3. A graduate must be able to quickly adapt to new work environments, assimilate new information, and solve new problems.
  4. A graduate must have the background and perspective necessary to pursue post-graduate education.
  5. A graduate must work in conformance with societal needs and expectations.
  6. A graduate must be integrated into the world of practicing professionals for collaborations, mutual support, and representing the profession to government and society.

Computer Science Student Outcomes

  1. Graduates will demonstrate mastery of the mathematical foundations and familiarity with the scientific foundations of computer science. These include:
    1. Mathematical foundations: Mastery of discrete mathematics, differential and integral calculus, probability and statistics, and linear algebra;
    2. Natural sciences: Familiarity with the fundamentals of natural science in at least one field, such as chemistry, physics, or geology; and
    3. Computer science theory: Familiarity with advanced concepts in automata and/or algorithm design and analysis.
  2. Graduates will demonstrate a depth of knowledge in topics critical to analyzing and solving computer science problems. These include:
    1. Programming and software design: Mastery of computer programming, including data structures and algorithms using representative programming languages; and
    2. Systems components and design: Mastery of the topics necessary to design software systems, including computer organization, operating systems, programming language concepts, and software engineering.
  3. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to envision, analyze, design, and implement maintainable, practicable, software solutions within realistic constraints to advanced computer science problems, which involves:
    1. Application of theory: Application of theoretical knowledge;
    2. Experimentation: Design and execution of experiments with analysis and interpretation of data;
    3. Design tools and techniques: Use of current design tools and techniques; and
    4. Documentation and maintenance: Generation of documentation and means for system maintenance.
  4. Graduates will demonstrate proficiency at communicating their technical knowledge and accomplishments in both written and oral forms to a range of audiences and in styles consistent with industry norms.
  5. Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of contemporary social, political, cultural, organizational and ethical issues and the implications for a computer scientist over his/her professional lifetime. These include:
    1. Liberal arts: A broad education in the humanities, fine arts, and social sciences;
    2. Ethical/social issues: A focused education of the range of ethical, legal, environmental, security, and safety issues relevant to computer science;
    3. Teamwork: The ability to work with others, including interdisciplinary teams; and
    4. Life-long learning/professional development: An understanding of the importance of and opportunities to engage in life-long learning and professional development, as demonstrated through involvement in professional organizations, extra-curricular and elective activities.

Computer Engineering Program Educational Objectives

  1. A graduate must be able to view computer systems as an integrated continuum of technologies and to engage in integrated system-level design.
  2. A graduate must be able to work with professionals in related fields over the spectrum of system design.
  3. A graduate must be able to quickly adapt to new work environments, assimilate new information, and solve new problems.
  4. A graduate must have the background and perspective necessary to pursue post-graduate education.
  5. A graduate must work in conformance with societal needs and expectations.
  6. A graduate must be integrated into the world of practicing professionals for collaborations, mutual support, and representing the profession to government and society.

Computer Engineering Student Outcomes

    1. Graduates will demonstrate mastery of the mathematical foundations and familiarity with the scientific foundations of computer engineering. These include:
      1. Mathematical foundations: Mastery of discrete mathematics, differential and integral calculus, differential equations, probability/statistics, linear algebra, and numerical analysis;
      2. Natural sciences: Familiarity with the fundamentals of classical and modern physics, including electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic theory, optics, and solid-state semiconductor physics; and
      3. Electricity/electronics: Familiarity with electrical circuits, electronic circuits, and solid-state electronic devices.
    2. Graduates will demonstrate a depth of knowledge in topics critical to system-level design, including both hardware and software design and hardware/software tradeoffs. These include:
      1. Programming and software design: Mastery of computer programming, including data structures and algorithms using representative programming languages;
      2. Systems components and design: Mastery of the topics necessary to design combined hardware/software systems, including computer organization and architecture, systems level programming, operating system kernels, communication networks, and the interdependencies among these topics; and
      3. Digital logic and technologies: Mastery of digital logic design, including logic families and contemporary digital technology.
    3. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to envision, analyze, design, and implement maintainable, practicable, integrated hardware/software solutions within realistic constraints to advanced computer engineering problems, which involves:
      1. Application of theory: Application of theoretical knowledge;
      2. Experimentation: Design and execution of experiments with analysis and interpretation of data;
      3. Design tools and techniques: Use of current design tools and techniques; and
      4. Documentation and maintenance: Generation of documentation and means for system maintenance.
    4. Graduates will demonstrate proficiency at communicating their technical knowledge and accomplishments in both written and oral forms to a range of audiences and in styles consistent with industry norms.

  1. Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of contemporary social, political, cultural, organizational and ethical issues and the implications for a computer engineer over his/her professional lifetime. These include:
    1. Liberal arts: A broad education in the humanities, fine arts, and social sciences;
    2. Ethical/social issues: A focused education of the range of ethical, legal, environmental, security, and safety issues relevant to computer engineering;
    3. Teamwork: The ability to work with others, including interdisciplinary teams; and
    4. Life-long learning/professional development: An understanding of the importance of and opportunities to engage in life-long learning and professional development, as demonstrated through involvement in professional organizations, extra-curricular and elective activities.