The School of Computing Senior Design Showcase 2020-21
Sponsor a Project
2020-21 Senior Design Online Project Showcase
The Senior Design Capstone provides an opportunity for industry and academic sponsors to engage and utilize the minds of some of the brightest students on campus. In the 2020-21 academic year, the Senior Design Capstone is grateful to be supported by the following sponsors.

NelnetCentralized Lender Requirements Program The Centralized Lender Requirements Program Team created a centralized location
for Nelnet employees to view lender and loan program information through a lender repository created as a web app. Nelnet
works with multiple lenders that provide loan programs to clients. Nelnet provides the clients with information regarding different
lenders and loan programs available. All information relevant to lenders and loan programs were located in multiple areas, making
information access challenging and time-consuming. The web app collects the information from various locations and presents the
information on one page, including multiple headers associated with different lenders and represented as a knowledge base. Each
lender also contains all loan programs offered by that lender. Several functionalities, such as searching and simplifying the loan information,
are also presented. The centralized repository allows call center agents to assist clients more efficiently, resulting in better service.
Squad Team Members

UNL Computer Science & Engineering - Leen-Kiat SohSocial Unrest Reconnaissance Gazetteer and Explorer (SURGE) The SURGE team rearchitected a legacy application that displays a world map that filters and provides
a map of social unrest events of various types. Given a legacy system with limitations on several usability and performance standards, the team
decided that creating a new application framework would be intrinsically beneficial in the long term. The technologies chosen were: ASP.NET Core,
ReactJS with the Hooks API, and Google Maps. The application improved the standard of usability via interface design and functional improvements
made to the filter menu simplifying the action of searching for specific instances of social unrest events. The team also aimed to create a more user-friendly
version of the tutorial, which walks first-time users through the different functions of the application. On the map layer, the inclusion of the Google Maps
API’s infrastructure provided critical insight into the location of essential cultural, governmental, and spiritual buildings. SURGE’s map layer also allows
the user to highlight roadways, railways, and other transportation types. The application can now display global data, where the legacy system showed
only 19 countries. The SURGE application has user authentication requiring users to create accounts to use the system.
Squad Team Members

Lincoln Girls Organization for Leadership and Development (Lincoln G.O.L.D.)Website and Scheduling App The Lincoln G.O.L.D. Team redesigned the current website, making it more user-friendly, and
created a mobile app allowing G.O.L.D. Girls and members to communicate and schedule events. The website and mobile application
allow people to find information about Lincoln G.O.L.D., bring members together through a common form of communication, and
encourage donations to support the nonprofit. They also appeal to new members and potential G.O.L.D. Girls and allows users to
interact with other members and stay informed about organization events. The team created wireframes for the new website and
added a member portal requiring users to create an account before accessing specific content. They utilized React Native for
cross-platform development and began by creating a prototype of the app screens. The mobile app features include a login
and registration system, an event-scheduling component with RSVP, a messenger component for members, an editable 'About Me'
page, and a form to submit silent auction items. The team utilized Expo, an open-source platform for making native apps for Android
and iOS, and Firebase, Google's mobile application development platform, for storing app data.
Squad Team Members

Arc of NebraskaArc Advocates Mobile App The Arc Advocates team created a mobile app for coordinating interactions between Arc staff, volunteers, and Nebraska community members, allowing community
members access to resources concerning their issues, requesting direct assistance from an Arc staff member or volunteer by tailoring resources to their specific needs. The app's functionality
has multiple capabilities and forms of communication, all streamlined through the mobile app and recorded into a database creating a holistic process. Database records provide Arc staff with
analytics, allowing them oversight to aid in building legislative testimony on behalf of people and families with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The team overcame challenges while
developing the app, such as finding an alternative solution to integrate the Arc of Nebraska's existing “NationBuilder” database, which required professional certification. Instead, they used
Arc of Nebraska’s existing “Firebase” database, allowing them to integrate the React Native App with a backend easily.
Squad Team Members

City of Lincoln / Lancaster CountyJob Injury and Illness Report The Job Injury and Illness Report development team created a web form to replace the sponsors’ paper forms and manual data entry
for submitting work-related injury or illness claims. The City of Lincoln and Lancaster County sponsors envisioned an accessible web or mobile form with a uniform
identity, tailored by department, that would automatically export into their database system while keeping city and county employees' data separate. The team used
backend logic to validate and submit specific fields by its organization for both city and county employees. To ensure the new application would run smoothly in the
existing platform, Visual Basic.NET, the team built the web form using the ASP.NET MVC Web development framework; and they used the React JavaScript framework
for a consistent appearance across platforms. The team created a web form uniting city and county forms into one uniform application, ensuring accurate and secure data.
Squad Team Members

Lewis & ClarkCertified Irrigated Acre Data Storage The Certified Irrigation Acre Data Storage team created a web-based database application
to certify the irrigated acres of the district with landowners and tenants responsible for the acres irrigated in The Lewis & Clark Natural
Resources District. The team started with the backend data collection, including shapefiles of parcels, irrigated acres, and information
on wells found from the DNR website. They used a SQL database to later interact with the web application and chose a mix of Feathers.js
and React.js frameworks. They split the website into five main pages:
Squad Team Members

Nebraska Department of LaborLabor Market Machine Learning The Labor Market team developed an application using machine learning to label data using a natural language
classifier from Amazon Web Services (AWS), called Comprehend, thus providing a direct path for training and integrating into the final product. The goal
was to label data as accurately as a human and faster than a human for the Nebraska Department of Labor (NDOL). The NDOL gathers employment data
for hundreds of thousands of people quarterly from all Nebraska employers and the data is not standardized. The NDOL needs to label this data with Standard
Occupation Classification (SOC) codes developed by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The team trained many classifiers with an iterative process and produced
a final classifier with 90% accuracy. A single instance of this process is significantly faster than any human. To further improve performance, files larger than 80,000
entries are split and labeled on multiple cases of AWS Comprehend. The result is that a million-line file can be labeled in less than thirty minutes. The classifier also
outputs a confidence score so that a human can review low-confidence responses. This solution significantly increases the labeling speed and consistency while reducing the total workload.
Squad Team Members

UNL Bureau of Sociological ResearchSurvey Entry Program The Survey Entry Program Team developed an executable application compatible
with all major desktop operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. The app has a simple user interface, utilizing large fonts and friendly,
high-contrast colors, giving the design, entry, and verification of paper surveys an updated user experience. The program replaces outdated software
that the UNL Bureau of Sociological Research currently uses, making the process faster and efficient. Administrators can perform user management by
creating new users, removing existing users, and updating users’ permissions. In order to maintain the integrity of the researchers’ work and data, users
can create survey designs that are representative of the ones sent on paper. The app allows users to enter the data recorded on the paper survey into the
application intuitively. The data is verified by a second user who re-enters the same survey. The application allows quick navigation through keyboard shortcuts
and displays concise visual prompts for any errors encountered or corrections needed. Through a combination of documentation and reverse engineering, the
team implemented the ability to export entered survey data and all its applicable headers into IBM SPSS Statistics datasets, allowing the sponsors to directly
take the data into the analytical software without dealing with complicated data grammars and without losing meta-data.
at The Bay.
Squad Team Members

UNL Computer Science & Engineering - Ann Koopman and Ashok SamalLearning Assistant Management System The Learning Assistant Program Management team created a forms-based, data-driven
system allowing for recruitment, retention, and management of learning assistants. They also designed an on-demand, adaptive,
and customizable appointment management system for students to request assistance from LA’s due to the scale and expansion of
the Learning Assistance Program (40-50 people). The LAProMT can scale up as the program grows allowing for new courses and LA’s.
The Learning Assistant Management System Tool (LAProMT) is a web application designed as a one-stop location for student and LA needs.
The appointment system notifies LA’s of a request using Slack and students receive confirmation via email. For evaluation purposes, students
evaluate their experience after an appointment, and data is stored for analysis and mining.
Squad Team Members

UNL Computer Science & Engineering - Juan CuiAI-based Food Image Processing The AI-Based Food Image team developed a mobile application that helps users analyze nutrition in their food,
including ingredients for users to track meals and make healthier choices. Users can take a photo of their food and analyze it using AI. The sponsors
created an algorithm to analyze ingredients in an image, and the team developed the app that utilizes the algorithm in tandem with nutrition analysis
information to track nutrition easily. The team chose React-Native as the mobile development platform for operation on both iOS and Android devices.
The application has four pages:
Squad Team Members

UNL School of Natural Resources Fish & WildlifeRemote Creel Data Entry and Reconciliation The development team created an application that would allow creel surveyors to enter angler information in real-time during interviews with anglers.
The team developed a progressive web app (PWA) to address the frequent problem experienced by their staff of having no internet or cell service during these interviews. Since the PWA
functions on many devices and operating systems, the team didn't need to spend additional time developing both a computer and a mobile version of the application. When online, the
PWA stores creel data directly to the database. When a user cannot connect to the Internet, the surveys are cached locally until a connection to the database is established. The PWA
also catches common errors entered by staff, such as abnormally large or small fish sizes.
Squad Team Members

UNMC College of NursingAgriculture Safety & Health Virtual Reality The Agriculture Safety & Health Virtual Reality Team created a virtual reality game, developed for Oculus Quests using Unity,
simulating a tractor rollover for nurses to educate agricultural workers and enhance agricultural safety. The game's object is to place the player in a
concept farm to explore while completing various objectives while avoiding objects and farm animals and driving a tractor on rugged terrain using the
same controls, speed, and rollover capabilities as a real tractor. When a player drives carelessly, the game tracks the players' movements and provides
feedback for improved safety after a crash. This VR game will enhance the student nursing experience by providing a hands-on approach to learning
about farm safety. The game will be used in UNMC's curriculum and taken to Midwest conferences to educate agricultural workers and school children.
The game uses an open-world concept to encourage exploration while providing a realistic tractor-operating experience without risk.
Squad Team Members

UNMC College of NursingSepsis Escape Room Virtual Reality The Sepsis Escape Room Virtual Reality team created a virtual reality game simulating an escape room to test nurses' sepsis knowledge.
The team developed the game for the Oculus Quest using Unity, Blender, Photon, and free-to-use models.
Since sepsis is a time-sensitive disease, the game is limited to 20 minutes before a patient dies. It has multiplayer
functionality so nurses can work together, just like real hospital emergencies. The game places the player(s) in a room
where they must first identify the disease as sepsis and solve five puzzles relating to the five steps of the Sepsis Bundle
(a series of responses that a medical team takes to treat sepsis in order). Each picture shown to a player represents a puzzle
in the game, and five of the rooms correspond to the steps of the sepsis bundle treatment specifically. Each room has a
different theme symbolizing how sepsis can affect different people. Nearly 80% of sepsis deaths, about 270,000 annually,
are preventable with early diagnosis. To better educate nurses, UNMC wanted to enhance the lecture format and give nurses
a realistic, hands-on experience. The team's hard work yielded a finished VR game that UNMC can incorporate into their curriculum.
Every two minutes, someone dies of sepsis. Raising awareness and improving education methods could make the difference between life and death.
Squad Team Members
CompanyCamIntelligent Photo Management The CompanyCam project team split into two co-teams to manage multiple goals within the timeframe of the project:
Squad Team Members
DMSiModernize Stratification & Optimization Applications The Modernize Stratification & Optimization Application team created a database and API for DMSi Software
(lumber and building materials industry designer and software support of inventory and accounting processes). The database and API
transformed customer and item stratification and pricing optimization processes to a modern web application using a MySQL-created
database, deployed through Amazon Web Services (AWS). The current manual work and logic exist in a series of Excel spreadsheets,
and the sponsors' ERP integration with Agility is light. The user experience and consulting process discourage some customers from engaging,
resulting in lost revenue for DMSi. The team created a react front and utilized tables and charts to present the data from the API. They created
three pages for customer stratification, item stratification, and price optimization, and a JSON file from data retrieved from the back end and used
by the front-end server to render the data in a format easily consumed by the user. The control table is a separate component in the application
where the constants are stored in the database through front-end forms and is the only component in the API with a CREATE function where
customers can add their numbers to scale different properties and create an account.
Squad Team Members
Self-Sponsored Student TeamSOFTie Startup (Grouve) The Grouve project team created an event planning service that is both what you want and how you want it.
It is both a website and a mobile app. The software assists event hosts in organizing their casual and professional events and allows them to
democratize music sharing among their attendees. It features event creation and editing, as well as user profile management. It offers a
much more complete event planning experience than any other competitor. Grouve focuses on specific events by using Add-ons. These
enable a unique focus on the ambiance or environment of each event, including features focused on music collaboration and integration
with music streaming services, such as Spotify or Apple Music.
Squad Team Members
UNL Holland Computing CenterRNA Nanostructures Science Gateway The RNA Nanostructures team constructed a Science Gateway that integrates the RNAMake application
to support the RNA Nanostructures scientific community. Scientists and engineers frequently need to access shared data and utilize similar applications
related to a specific domain. To create this common platform, backed by high-performance computing clusters, science gateways are implemented. The team
focused on two unique elements of the project: Extending the Apache Airavata backend system to support job submission to the Open Science Grid (OSG) and
developing the front-end component of the Science Gateway. The team extended the Airavata backend by integrating the job submission system to support job
submission using HTCondor. The team contributed to the Apache Airavata project to enable long-term support and maintenance of the integrated features. The
front-end component was implemented using the Airavata Django Portal, consisting of a landing page, a login system, and an application page with a path to create
applications. The team applied user-design and user-testing principles, determining the best interface applicable to the portal. The team constructed the landing
page and the RNAMake application. To further support the requirements specified by the Sponsors, the team also extended the Airavata Django Portal by implementing
support for GLMol—an interactive molecule viewer.
Squad Team Members
UNL Computer Science & Engineering - Peter ReveszAncient Inscription Database and Analytics (AIDA) The Ancient Inscription Database and Analytics(AIDA) team created an online database
of ancient inscriptions in Linear A, Cretan Hieroglyphs, and Phaistos Disc. The team made the website user-friendly, correcting parts of
the database and adding statistical analysis for researchers to identify symbol frequency. The first issue was that Linear A symbols did not
display correctly on the website; searching involved manually inputting a string of ID values separated by hyphens and searching by languages
other than Linear A required translation. The team created buttons on the home page, allowing users to select which language they want to search.
A virtual keyboard appears, displaying users their language, where to click, and which symbol they want to search by, making the process simple and
faster. Adding this feature was an essential part of the design and a core focus of the project. A statistical analysis tool was added to the AIDA system
for researchers, creating a better understanding of the languages, particularly deciphering Linear A. The website contains a statistics tab directing users
to a matrices page enabling data to appear in the language selected by the user, retrieving data faster when displaying the statistical results.
Squad Team Members
Nebraska Family DentistrySchedAssist The SchedAssist Team enhanced a mobile application for scheduling medical appointments for the Nebraska Family Dentistry.
The mobile app allows users to make appointments from their phones without calling providers, simplifying the scheduling process. The existing solution was confusing
for patients, leading to lower productivity. The team developed software taking over the management of their patients and schedules for each provider. The team’s solution
consists of three pieces: a mobile scheduling application, a server to handle incoming appointments and location schedules, and a web portal for administrators to access
and manage their location. The scheduling application was created using the framework from Google called Flutter. This app simplifies the development process by creating
one consistent product with a single codebase that will work on iOS, Android, or a browser. All scheduling is available through the server in real-time, allowing users to view
current available appointments. The Development team added filtering by location, provider, service, day, week, and month view to enhance the calendar page. Another feature
requiring multiple locations required a database change and a change to how the locations for each provider were displayed. The Insurance section of the Setting page originally
had no functionality. The team added a database table and all functionality so providers can limit and display the various insurances accepted.
Squad Team Members
NE Sports CouncilData Analytics for Fundraising and Program Participation Goals The Data Analytics for Fundraising Team created a fully customizable and manageable
state-of-the-art application that merged, combined. It analyzed 35 years' worth of data from multiple registration software systems,
spreadsheets, and text files in an iterative approach for the Nebraska Sports Council. The team's goals were to understand and measure
the highest donors' traits, helping to establish a strategy in seeking new future donors, present data, trends, and graphs on their fundraising
and program participation in an efficient and visually appealing manner. The app also provides an intuitable user interface specifically tailored
to the sponsor's needs, allowing for data analysis long after the project. The team and sponsor worked together to add additional features
to the program, further solidifying its viability and utility. Users can choose what type of analysis they want to be performed and decide
how they want that data represented by selecting from different visualization options. The program fully encapsulates the experience of
completely customizing data analytics. This final product provides high-quality data, and the utility this product brings to the sponsor will
assist in their marketing and outreach initiatives.
Squad Team Members
UNL CAVE LabHusker Concussion Rehab The Husker Concussion Rehab team developed a web-based application suite to aid the UNL Cave Lab
clinicians and staff in assigning tailored treatment plans to student-athletes suffering from a concussion, monitoring their progress, and ensure
regimen completion. Unfortunately, it is common for student-athletes to receive improper rehabilitative care after suffering from a concussion,
and some students may even drop their regimen due to a lack of tailored treatment. The team worked on three deliverables: a web-based application
developed in React for clinician use to enter athletes into the system; and two mobile applications developed in React Native for athlete use for both iOS
and Android for athletes to perform exercises rate symptoms during training. The team selected these technologies to minimize the development necessary
to create a release candidate for iOS and Android simultaneously. They initially designed a user interface and a wireframe, then implemented a PostgreSQL
database connected to a NestJS web service using TypeORM, which communicated with two front-end projects.
Squad Team Members
UNL Computer Science & Engineering - Peter Weiss and Shruti BowmanDisaster Relief and Coordination App The Disaster Relief and Coordination team created a progressive web application, accessible by both desktop
and mobile environments, to assist in the coordination of recovery and relief efforts, supplies, and volunteers in a disaster. The goal was to have technology
play a significant role in maximizing the efficiency of relief efforts when it matters the most. This project originated with Peyton Weiss, a civil engineering
major at UNL, who conceptualized the application during the 2019 floods in Nebraska. He saw the need for efficient ways to coordinate volunteers, debris
cleanup, food, and supply delivery. The disaster dashboard is the home page of the application where community leaders can post, edit, and delete information,
providing real-time updates to their community viewers during natural disasters, minimizing misinformation and confusion. Users can follow different locations
to receive live updates on those communities. Each post describes the location, the community, and the time for context. Communities have a greater need
for supplies and materials to repair damages during and after a disaster. The team created a page where community leaders can request specific supplies
needed to stabilize lives, and the app directly communicates the supplies provided. The app also contains a live feed of volunteer requests submitted by users.
Squad Team Members
UNL Computer Science & Engineering - Max PierobonWetSpace The WetSpace team developed a web application to provide a hub of communication for existing and future simulation platforms,
allowing users to create, run, view, and save simulations across platforms and interact with them in a single space. The app allows electronics to interface with biological
processes directly. The app was built upon existing software developed by WetCoDe and PaRedox. WetSpace has a fluid account system in the app allowing for safe and
secure user registration and login. Technologies used in the process were JSON Web tokens, HTTP-only cookies to ensure secure transmission of user credentials, hashing
algorithms, and technologies to safely store passwords in WetSpace’s database ReCAPTHCA by Google to prevent attacks from bots against the login system and API. The
primary access is through the dashboard, where users create new simulation pipelines, representing the flow of information from a biological “wet” system to an electrical
interface and vice versa. Using a simulation pipeline, a user can enter or upload data, run a simulation on a selected platform, view the results, and pass the resulting data
“down” the pipeline to the next simulation platform. The team also implemented backend functionalities to facilitate future growth, which includes a Database Access Layer,
extensible API, libraries for security, and intercomponent communication.
Squad Team Members
UNL Computer Science & Engineering - Stephen Scott / Candiss Williams from USDADynamic Soil Properties The Dynamic Soil Properties team developed a web application, allowing land managers and policymakers
to view data from primary data sources, specifically environmental journal articles, to make informed decisions about land use. The app provides a
meaningful way to interact with the data by filtering the data based on geographical regions or essential keywords. The map allows users to select
geographical regions within the United States by clicking on the region. The dropdown filters allow users to select any combination of keywords relevant
to the research pursued. On the backend side of the application, the API—an application that receives requests for data and sends responses—receives
the filter data from the Web application and retrieves the appropriate data to return to the user. Once the data has been retrieved, the API sends it back to the Web application for the user to see.
Squad Team Members
UNL Computer Science and Engineering - Bonita SharifCoderGaze Eye Tracking The CoderGaze Eye Tracking team created a web-based visualization application. A primary goal was to
visualize the data that the core application could collect, making it comprehensible. Dr. Sharif's rich experience in this field allowed our team to
use standard processing tools for eye-tracking data, like fixation filters. These allowed us to combine data into "Fixations." A fixation allows the
team to determine what users of CoderGaze looked at and for how long. Combining the data effectively and accurately allowed for creating an
intuitive and informative graph. There were many graph styles for displaying eye-tracking data. The team designed a data display, showing where
a user looked in a code file, how long they looked at a particular token, the flow of what the user looked at, and the type/categorization of the token.
Squad Team Members
UNL School of Natural Resources Water QualityStreamNet The StreamNet development team created an application to aggregate water quality data from sensors across
Nebraska and displayed the data on a Web page. The website offers visualization tools to summarize data for easy comprehension and download
segments of the data to allow independent researchers to perform their analyses. The visualizations provide time-series graphs of a chosen variable
over time. A user can select the variables they want to analyze, such as temperature or chemical concentration, and compare up to three charts at once.
Researchers can configure charts to include data from every sensor available or any subset of them. Any user who makes an account with StreamNet
can download a comma-separated value (.csv) file containing daily averages of their chosen variables and sensors. Any user who wants access to the raw
hourly data can submit a request through their account page, and upon approval, administrators will grant access to download the raw data. This access
request process allows StreamNet admins to monitor what kinds of users are interested in the data. It also enables users to perform analyses on the raw data directly.
Squad Team Members