Who should I contact for account related problems?

If you are unable to find a solution to your problem in this FAQ, your next step is to consult the School of Computing (SoC) Student Resource Center in Avery Hall (room 12). The Student Resource Center is generally open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday–Friday. If the Student Resource Center is unable to address your problem, email support@cse.unl.edu. When you send an email to support@cse.unl.edu, please include your SoC login and provided as much detail as possible. When applicable, include the system you are using (a Windows system in the lab, the cse.unl.edu server, a Linux system in the lab, your personal laptop, etc.), the operating system on your personal device, the task you are trying to accomplish (date and time may help if you were using cse.unl.edu), the command you are running, any error messages returned, and any other information that would assist in focusing the diagnostics on your problem.

FAQ Priority: 
FAQ Category: 
Account and General Issues