Computing undergrads receive stipends for summer research projects

Jul 24, 2024      By UCARE

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has awarded stipends to 10 School of Computing undergraduates to participate in research with a faculty mentor this summer.
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has awarded stipends to 10 School of Computing undergraduates to participate in research with a faculty mentor this summer.

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has awarded stipends to 114 Husker undergraduates — including 10 School of Computing students — to participate in research with a faculty mentor this summer.

Nebraska’s Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences Program supports undergraduates to work with faculty mentors in research or creative activities. Students receive stipends of $2,640 to engage in intensive research or creative activity for 20 hours per week. The students’ projects span academic disciplines including engineering, chemistry, modern languages and literatures, psychology, art and art history, architecture, special education, and fisheries and wildlife.

Students from the Nebraska Summer Research Program and UCARE will present posters on their research and creative activities at a campus research symposium Aug. 6. For more information on undergraduate research at Nebraska, visit

Following is a list of students who received summer UCARE awards, with their year in school, academic major(s) and project title:
• Yasir Almotawa, junior, computer science, “Development of Web Application for Transcriptome Assembly Analysis and Improvement of Next-Generation Assembly Methods.”
• Jacob Ashman, junior, computer engineering, “Identifying Risk and Disease Markers for Delirium.”
• Alaa Ismail, junior, computer science, “Equitable Access to Civil Justice: Interdisciplinary Research Project.”
• Adam Kamrath, senior, computer engineering, “Long-Range High-Frequency RFID Communication System Design.”
• Bharath Kumar Manchikanti, senior, computer science, “Differences in Microaggressions, Sense of Belonging and Self-Efficacy in Undergraduate Female Students across Software Engineering and Social Sciences.”
• Mayank Sharma, sophomore, computer science, “Engineering a Graph-Based Genome Visualizer for Viral Species.”
• Ethan Stowell, junior, computer science, “Geophysical Mapping and Tectonic Evolution of the Kolbeinsey Ridge.”
• Kashish Syed, junior, computer science, “Explore the Parallelization Packages for R Programming.”
• Linh Khanh Truong, senior, computer science, “Explore the Interpretability for Graph-Based Deep Learning Models in Gene Regulation.”
• Haoze Zheng, junior, computer science, “Sequence Motif Generator by Machine Learning on Phosphorylated Proteins.”

View the full list of UCARE award recipients in Nebraska Today.