Application and Admission Information
- Admission Requirements
- Enrollment Requirements
- Coursework Requirements
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Application Details
- How to Apply
Eligibility Requirements
- Currently a full-time, School of Computing undergraduate student
- Sophomore standing
- 3.0 GPA
- Currently enrolled in the computer science, computer engineering, or software engineering major planning to pursue a master's degree in computer science
Program-Specific Admission Requirements
In your application for admission to this master's program:
- Personal Statement: Your statement should include your research interests, your objectives, and names of potential faculty advisors.
- Applicant Worksheet for Accelerated Computer Science (MS)
- Completing at least 12 undergrad credit hours in the master's degree discipline with a grade of at least B (including at least one of CSCE 310, CSCE 310H, CSCE 311, SOFT 260, SOFT 260H or RAIK 283H)
- Application fee of $25
NOT Required
- CV
- Letters of recommendation
Enrollment Requirements
- During the senior year, students may take up to 12 credit hours of approved graduate coursework, and they will be charged the graduate tuition rate for graduate courses applied to the bachelor’s degree.
- Students retain eligibility for undergraduate scholarships and financial aid through the senior year.
- Students must have and maintain 3.0 GPA in School of Computing courses to be admitted to the master’s program.
- After completion of all bachelor’s degree requirements, students will be enrolled as a graduate student, charged the graduate tuition rate, and eligible for graduate assistantships and fellowships.
Coursework Requirements
- No more than 12 credit hours of graduate coursework may count toward both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
- Students must take 9-12 hours of dual-credit courses (see below) at the graduate level.
- Courses must be currently and regularly offered.
- No course substitutions are permitted.
- Students may not take 900-level courses.
- Dual-listed courses (400/800) are acceptable, but not required. If dual-listed courses are included in the Accelerated Master’s Program, students must register at the 800-level and complete all graduate-level requirements. Dual-listed courses previously taken and completed at the 400-level will not be retroactively changed to the 800-level.
- Students must attend at least 8 department colloquia, doctoral oral presentations, and/or master’s thesis presentations, a reduction from the 15 required for the standard M.S. programs.
- All other requirements are the same as the standard computer science master’s degree.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When can I apply?
A: As soon as you established sophomore standing. View Registrar Policy. Though specific programs may have specific timelines. Please contact the Graduate Chair.
Q: Why would a student do this?
A: Double count credits efficiently, progressing through bachelors and masters degrees simultaneously.
Q: How is this different from Graduate Credit for Undergraduates?
A: In accelerated masters programs graduate credit is applied to both the bachelors and masters degrees. In the Graduate Credit for Undergraduates undergraduate students can take graduate credit, which is not applied to the bachelors degree.
Q: Can any undergraduate student participate?
A: Students must be admitted into one of the preapproved undergraduate programs, have a 3.0 GPA, be a current and full-time student.
Q: Do I need to meet with the graduate advisor before applying?
A: It is encouraged that the student consults with the point of contact for the Masters Degree (see Graduate Chair in program lists above). Meeting with a graduate advisor is not a requirement for acceptance.
Q: How do I prepare my application materials?
A: UNL Career Services provide support for undergraduate students applying to graduate school.
Q: Am I billed at the graduate or undergraduate tuition rate?
A: Graduate credits are billed at the graduate rate.
Q: Does my scholarship and/or financial aid cover graduate tuition?
A: Contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid and/or the external scholarship provider.
Q: Am I an admitted graduate student?
A: No. Students can only be admitted as a graduate student after the conferral of a bachelors degree.
Q: How will the graduate courses appear on my undergraduate degree audit?
A: They will be replacing specific undergraduate courses, as outlined above.
Q: What if I need to take a leave of absence?
A: The university policy states that after completion of all bachelor’s degree requirements, students will be enrolled in the Graduate College and must take at least 18 credit hours at the graduate level. As with any graduate student, a complete academic record is required at the time of application and admission. If the student takes a semester off from UNL, a new application may be required, with a complete academic record. Additionally, taking a semester off will have financial aid implications if student loans were used during the undergraduate degree. In the event of extenuating circumstances, students should contact their advisor or the Office of Graduate Studies about possible options.
Application Details
- When you apply, create a new account. This account will be separate from your current student account.
- Include your name and NU ID. This will affect your billing since you will be taking graduate courses.
- Select the correct program. Scroll down and select the “UNL accelerated program.” Do NOT select the M.S. program.
- You must pay the $25 application fee at the time of submission.
- After submission, your application is sent to the Office of Graduate Studies, and then to the School of Computing for review. After the school has reviewed your application, it is sent back to the Office of Graduate Studies, for the admission approval. If your application is accepted, a letter will be sent to you.
- You cannot be admitted as an undergraduate and graduate student at the same time. The Office of Graduate Studies will “future date” your graduate program. If you do not complete your undergraduate degree, contact the Office of Graduate Studies.
- If you are receiving undergraduate financial aid, acceptance to the program will not disqualify you from receiving that aid.
- Your tuition bill will be larger once you become a graduate student.
- TOEFL scores will not be required for submission since you are an undergraduate student.
- If you wish to pursue a Ph.D., you may also count required courses toward that degree with the approval of your supervisory committee. An additional application (and an additional $25 application fee) will be required for this option.
- Students must complete the application worksheet as part of the application process and identify when they are planning to take their courses (in order to receive permission codes for enrollment). The Graduate Studies Office will create the permission code and send it to you.
How to Apply
- Consult your Undergraduate Academic Advisor.
- Complete the Applicant Worksheet with your advisor.
- Decide your expected graduation timeline, so you know which master's admission term to choose on your application for admission.
- Bachelor's graduation in spring: Master's admission in summer or fall.
- Bachelor's graduation in summer: Master's admission in fall.
- Bachelor's graduation in fall: Master's admission in spring.
- Complete and submit your graduate application for admission with payment of its $25 application fee.
How to Enroll
Admitted students will be emailed permission codes and will enroll themselves in the courses identified on their worksheet.
Dual-Credit Courses
During their senior year, students will take up to 12 credit hours of approved graduate coursework that will count toward both the bachelor's and master's degrees. Students must take 9-12 hours at the graduate level from the courses listed below.
CSCE 423/823: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Mathematical preliminaries. Strategies for algorithm design, including divide-and-conquer, greedy, dynamic programming and backtracking. Mathematical analysis of algorithms. Introduction to NP-Completeness theory, including the classes P and NP, polynomial transformations and NP-complete problems.
CSCE 428/828: Automata, Computation, and Formal Languages
Introduction to the classical theory of computer science. Finite state automata and regular languages, minimization of automata. Context free languages and pushdown automata, Turing machines and other models of computation, undecidable problems, introduction to computational complexity.
CSCE 451/851: Operating Systems Principles
Organization and structure of operating systems. Control, communication, and synchronization of concurrent processes. Processor and job scheduling. Memory organization and management including paging, segmentation, and virtual memory. Resource management. Deadlock avoidance, detection, recovery. File system concepts and structure. Protection and security. Substantial programming.
CSCE 462/862: Communication Networks
Introduction to the architecture of communication networks and the rudiments of performance modeling. Circuit switching, packet switching, hybrid switching, protocols, local and metro area networks, wide area networks and the Internet, elements of performance modeling, and network programming. Network security, asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), optical, wireless, cellular, and satellite networks, and their performance studies.
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