![Robert Dyer](/engineering/school-of-computing/sites/unl.edu.engineering.school-of-computing/files/media/image/me_0.jpg)
Event Details |
Thursday, September 5, 2019 Talk:
3:30 p.m., Avery 115
4:30 p.m., Avery 348
Robert Dyer
Assistant Professor, Bowling Green State UniversityAbstract
Software engineering research is becoming increasingly difficult to perform, due to the need for extensive software development activities to prototype and evaluate complex research hypotheses. Often researchers spend significant efforts implementing large software systems, which get little re-use after a research paper is submitted. Collaboratories where researchers share their research artifacts with each other can lessen this problem, by providing existing, vetted artifacts for the researcher to re-use. This also allows more easily sharing artifacts, aiding reproducibility in research.
Speaker Bio
Dr. Robert Dyer is an assistant professor at Bowling Green State University, where he won the BGSU Outstanding Early Career Award. His research interests include applying big data techniques to mining software repositories, programming language design and empirical evaluation, and automated specification inference techniques. He is on the executive committee for ACM SIGSOFT, the organizing committees of ESEC/FSE’20, SPLASH’20, ESEC/FSE’18, and ICSE’16, program committees for MSR, and has reviewed for top SE journals such as IEEE TSE and EMSE.