Event Details |
Thursday, October 20, 2022 Talk:
3:30 p.m., Avery 115
4:30 p.m., Avery 115
John Goldrich Mariah Johnson
Counselors, Counseling and Psychological ServicesAbstract
Join John Goldrich and Mariah Johnson from Counseling and Psychological Services to explore ways to prioritize your mental health while in graduate school. Information will be provided on available CAPS services, how to begin counseling services, and other relevant mental health resources available. Discussion will also focus on identifying ways to prioritize your well-being as well as how to respond to and support others who might be experiencing mental health distress. This event will provide time to engage in informal conversations with CAPS counselors about mental health and well-being, so please feel free to come prepared with questions.
Speaker Bio
John joined Counseling and Psychological services in June of 1994. He has worked as a counselor who focuses on providing struggling students with support. He is well versed in providing support in the areas of depression, anxiety, relationship concerns and school issues. In the past he has provided counseling for our student athletes here at UNL. Currently he provides supervision for several of the staff who work for Nebraska College Preparatory Academy. John is a member of both the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of People of Color and the African and African American Leadership Caucus.
John views diversity through the lens of inclusive excellence and cultural humility. It is a perspective in which all people and all voices matter to him. He is aware of the impact that biases and discriminatory actions have on the landscape in which we exist in here at UNL and the broader community. He works at developing strategies to help students overcome those barriers by helping them to create new methods to navigate through them. He is constantly mining for new information to help the students overcome their struggles associated with being a member of a marginalized population.
Mariah joined Counseling and Psychological Services in 2019. Her clinical interests include areas related to couple and family issues, anxiety and trauma. Through Mariah’s training in Marriage and Family Therapy, Mariah addresses each client’s presenting problems by considering their familial, cultural, and societal influences. Mariah believes that it is critical to consider these influences in a way that guides treatment in the most safe and effective way for each individual client. Mariah believes that therapy progress can only be made when a client truly feels comfortable in the therapy room, which is why Mariah’s priority is focused on building therapeutic alliance and focusing on individual needs, as this can look very different for each client. Mariah continues to challenge herself to gain knowledge in diverse and cultural backgrounds, challenging biases, and remaining curious about each client as their own individual self.