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Thursday, May 4, 2023 Talk:
3:30 PM, 115 Avery Hall
4:30 PM, 115 Avery Hall
John O'Hara, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State UniversityAbstract
The value of terahertz applications has long been recognized, even if the technology required to support them always seems one step away. However, the challenging goals of next-generation wireless communications (6G) and sensing, such as data rate (1 Tbps), low latency (0.1 ms), and massive spectrum co-utilization, introduce a turning point where terahertz systems and devices critically need to coincide with real-world deployment and demonstrations. Such new systems and devices will enable a variety of impactful progressions, including validations of channel models, waveform design and testing, and control over beam steering and shaping. In this talk, I will present some of our past and present experimental terahertz research that has renewed excitement in the prospect of real-world terahertz applications and demonstrations. I will emphasize the topics of metamaterials and wireless communication, in part because these are active subjects of OSU research, particularly in the areas of terahertz wireless channel measurements and manipulation. But these are also becoming strong drivers that could finally push terahertz significantly out of the realm of research and into everyday application.
Speaker Bio
John F. O'Hara received his B.S. degree from the University of Michigan in 1998 and his Ph.D. (both in electrical engineering) from Oklahoma State University (OSU) in 2003. He then moved to the Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics group at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), where he was a Director of Central Intelligence Postdoctoral Fellow until 2006. From 2006-2011 he was with the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (at LANL) and worked on numerous metamaterial projects involving dynamic control, chirality, resonance frequency, polarization, and modulation of terahertz waves. In 2011, he founded a consulting/research company, Wavetech, LLC specializing in automation and IoT devices and he also started to serve as an adjunct professor at Oklahoma State University (OSU). In 2017 he joined OSU as an assistant professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering. His current research involves terahertz wireless communications, terahertz sensing and imaging with metamaterials, IoT, light-based sensing and communications, and rural renewal. He has 4 patents and around 100 publications in journals and conference proceedings. Dr. O’Hara is a Senior Member of IEEE.