Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Read about the industries we serve, find out about our pricing and get more information in our Frequently Asked Questions.
For more information on the benefits you will receive sponsoring a Senior Design project, check out our Sponsor Overview.
If you are interested in sponsoring a Senior Design project, click the button below and fill out our Project Request form.
Sponsor Orientation Information
Welcome (2:40)
Development Processes (3:53)
Team Formation (1:55)
Student Roles & Responsibilities (4:11)
Faculty/Staff Roles & Responsibilities (3:24)
Sponsor Roles & Responsibilities (3:18)
Project Execution (2:55)
Some of our most common project types

Some of the technologies we use
- Android
- ArcGIS
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Dart
- iOS
- Java
- JavaScript
- MacOS
- MS SQL Server
- My SQL
- Objective-C
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- React
- Ruby
- Swift
- SwiftUI
- Unity
- Vue.js

Work With Us
We work with industry and academic partners to create great software, hardware, and/or IoT applications.
Contact the School of Computing Senior Design about your next project.