Informatics and Algorithmic Foundations
Software Engineering
- Hamid Bagheri
- Chris Bohn
- Robert Dyer
- Justin Firestone
- Brady Garvin
- Bhuvana Gopal
- Rahul Purandare
- Bonita Sharif
- Witty Srisa-an*
- Stephanie Valentine
*Denotes secondary research area
- Motassem Al-Tarazi
- Muhammad Naveed Aman
- Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
- Chris Bohn*
- Carrick Detweiler
- Brittany Duncan
- Jeffrey Falkinburg
- Nirnimesh Ghose
- Hongzhi Guo
- Liang He
- Jianxin Sun
- Joseph Schmitz
- Qiang Liu
- Shuai Nie
- Massimiliano Pierobon
- Byrav Ramamurthy
- Nikhil Satyala
- Witty Srisa-an
- Dung Hoang Tran
- Mehmet Can Vuran
- Derek Weitzel
- Marilyn Wolf
- Lisong Xu
- Hongfeng Yu*
*Denotes secondary research area
Informatics and Algorithmic Foundations
Computational complexity theory, machine learning, computer science education
AI for social good, computational game theory, mechanism design, algorithms, data/graph mining, machine learning, discrete mathematics
Artificial intelligence, constraint satisfaction, abstraction and reformulation, scheduling and resource allocation, graph algorithms, interactive, collaborative and distributed problem-solving
Computing education
Computational and systems biology, bioinformatics, cancer informatics, data mining and machine learning
Data visualization, database systems, discrete math, machine learning, and computational linguistics
Design and analysis of algorithms, optical networks, graph algorithms, information retrieval, bioinformatics, and combinatorics
Human-computer interaction, with an emphasis on educational applications and intelligent systems
Computational linguistics, database systems, data mining, bioinformatics
Computer vision, spatial data mining
Machine learning, design and analysis of algorithms
Multiagent systems, computer science education, intelligent data analysis, computer-aided education systems, multiagent modeling and simulation
Foundational aspects of computer science, theory of computational complexity, machine learning, computational modeling, algorithm design, data analytics
Bioinformatics, systems biology, computational biology, distributed algorithms and databases, machine learning
Large data analysis and visualization, high-performance computing, and user interfaces and interaction
Software Engineering
Software analysis, software security, AI for software engineering, software testing, and applied formal methods
Parallel and distributed computing, software engineering
Empirical software engineering, mining software repositories, program analysis, programming languages
Highly configurable systems, feature-interaction faults, software testing and analysis, and computational complexity
Software engineering education, computer science education
Program analysis and verification, AI for software engineering, software testing, program comprehension, program optimization
Empirical software engineering, program comprehension, eye tracking, biometrics, human factors, software traceability, software visualization, applied machine learning
Cloud computing, software defined networks, edge computing
Hardware systems security, Internet of Things security, wireless networks, cyberphysical systems security, blockchain
Molecular and nano communications, terahertz communications, Internet of Bio-Nano Things, bio-inspired computing and communications
Aerial robots, UAVs, MAVs, field robotics, sensor networks, underwater sensor networks, multi-robot systems, localization, and robotics
Human-robot interaction, unmanned aerial vehicles, small unmanned aerial systems, MAVs, field robotics, artificial intelligence, robotics
Robotics, embedded systems, 3D modeling, simulation design
Network security and privacy with applications to emerging wireless networks, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, aviation and transportation networks, and the interaction between cybersecurity and social networks
Wireless networks, Internet of Things, wireless sensing, digital twins, and extended reality
Cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things
Machine learning, computer vision, data analysis and visualization
Wireless communication, computer networks, machine learning, edge computing
Wireless communications, millimeter-wave and terahertz-band communications, satellite communications, Internet of Things
Communication and information theory, networking, signal processing, molecular communication, synthetic biology, nanonetworks
Computer networks, telecommunications, optical networks, network security, wireless networks and future Internet architectures
Robotics engineering, computer engineering
Security, programming languages, embedded systems, virtual machines, and dynamic memory management
Safe artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, formal method, control theory, parallel computing
Wireless networks, AI/ML-based communications, Internet of Things, embedded systems, sensor networks
Distributed computing and data management, networking, security for cyberinfrastructure
Cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, embedded computing, embedded computer vision, and VLSI systems
Network protocols: protocol design, internet measurement, automated testing, and formal verification